Limited-Time Offer! Free Digital Declutter Webinar
Sign up for JOMO’s next Digital Declutter Webinar and take control of your tech—making it easier to focus on what truly matters.
Shifting the Focus: Embracing 'Joy Over Shame' in School Technology Use
What if, we show students that it's okay to say "no" to the pull of tech—not because it’s bad, but because there’s something even better waiting for them in the real world.
Embracing the 'Joy of Missing Out' This Holiday Season
We’ve got 7 simple, JOMO-inspired tips to help you unplug and rediscover the magic of holiday connection—without all the tech overload.
The Power of Balance: Embracing Real Connections in a Digital World
As we immerse ourselves in the digital world, it’s important to recognize the impact that too much screen time can have on our well-being—especially for young people.
Digital Well-Being for All: CSI x JOMO(campus)
JOMO(campus) is excited to announce we are partnering with the global school association CSI to offer a five-part virtual series, Digital Well-being for All.
Phone-free Schools are Only the First Step
Phone-free classrooms are a significant first step, but they are just the beginning of creating a school-wide digital well-being culture.
JOMO(campus) partners with SCSBC, and the Baylor Center for School Leadership
Announcing a new partnership between JOMO(campus), the Society for Christian Schools of British Columbia (SCSBC), and the Baylor Center for School Leadership (BCSL). One of the partnership's cornerstone initiatives is implementing a new digital wellness program for Christian high schools across North America.
Building a Digital Well-Being Culture in High School
An integrated digital wellness plan galvanizes students, faculty, families and administration with a common language, consistent messages and opportunities for community action.
Portrait of a Digitally Well Graduate
What does a digitally well graduate at your school look like? What community needs, skills, and understanding do they require to navigate technology wisely beyond the safety of your campus?
Join the Coalition for Collegiate Digital Well-being Kick-Off Meeting on May 3, hosted by Virginia Tech
On Friday, May 3rd, we celebrate Global Digital Wellness Day, and what better way to honor the occasion than by brainstorming strategies to integrate digital well-being practices at your institution?
Teaching the Joys of Unplugging
Smartphones and social media were designed for ease of use, so easy that students forget that what makes them happy is right behind those screens: friendships, active hobbies, nature, and play. It is up to us to create scree-free spaces to help them disconnect to reconnect.
One year of evidence-based digital wellness programming
Students are most enthusiastic about changes that complement their day-to-day lives. A big part of these are environmental triggers: external reminders that encourage digital wellness practices and remind students that it’s okay to not be on their phones. "If the norm flips, that's really what's going to make a longer-lasting change.”
Join us for a Digital Well-Being Learning Event at Virginia Tech
Laurie Fritsch, MSEd, CHES, CTTS, Assistant Director of Hokie Wellness, and digital well-being expert Christina Crook, founder of JOMO(campus), invite you to a FREE Campus Digital Well-Being Learning Event at Virginia Tech on February 9th.
Joy, joy. What a year and what’s ahead.
It’s hard to believe we launched JOMO(campus) this year. We prioritized our new college focus because we know that students suffer especially from tech overuse and that digital boundaries are needed to support their well-being and academic focus. We are proud to be part of that solution.
How Students Would Improve Wellness on Campus
Students have ideas for how to improve wellness on campus.
Postsecondary Students on Stress, Success, and School
This year’s Academica Wellness Survey revealed the sources of stress among postsecondary students and how they are coping using their institutions’ available resources.
Strategies to Improve Digital Well-Being in the University Environment — JOMO(campus) at NASPA 2024
JOMO(campus) educational advisor Laurie Schmidt Fritsch and CEO Christina Crook will deliver their "Strategies to Improve Digital Well-being in the University Environment" keynote at the 2024 NASPA Annual Conference
Join the Spring 2024 Digital Well-Being Challenge Cohort
To kick off a digital well-being movement on your campus THIS year, we invite you to join our Spring 2024 Digital Well-Being Challenge Cohort. Gearing up for the second half of the semester, we will equip you with everything you need to run a successful challenge at your school.