Our Program.

JOMO(campus) is a digital wellness program that offers a comprehensive approach to integrating positive technology practices into your school through education and action
for staff, students, and families.

Our Approach.

Staff Education

Staff education is the first step to building a digitally-well culture. JOMO provides you with the resources you need to build team ownership of your school’s technology use.

Student Education

Our digital well-being program is focused on student and family empowerment, teaching students and their families principles and practices that will help them wisely navigate technology for life.

Family Education

Technology decisions begin at home. We will guide you through family communication including an invitation for your families to join you in building a digitally-well culture at your school.

JOMO movement

Staff Education

Building team ownership of your school’s technology use philosophy, policies, procedures, and agency in implementation.

Professional development sessions including video lessons, slide decks, a discovery exercise, and group discussions.

Staff will learn:

  • How to prioritize their personal digital well-being

  • How to build a values-based approach to technology

  • Why digital well-being is essential to foster on campus

  • How to model digital well-being to students

Student Education

Students will learn the why and how of digital wellness, build in practices, and master habits along the way.

Digital technology is constantly changing, and these tools, environments and social structures often move faster than our ability to understand them. That’s why JOMO focuses on helping students develop a robust philosophy of technology. 

The four-week Digital Well-Being Challenge includes in-class lessons designed to engage students in exploring and enhancing their digital well-being along with their families. The lessons are consistent, offering interactive elements, research insights, and objectives. This approach ensures a comprehensive learning experience with practical applications and ample opportunities for reflection and discussion.

Family Education

Empowering families to create a home where wellness and digital flourishing coexist.

Families are invited to follow along and engage with what their kids are learning in the Digital Well-Being Challenge.

JOMO will also provide a family resource hub to equip families with practical tools, thoughtful insights, and supportive resources to help them thrive in the digital age:

  • Ways to foster meaningful relationships

  • Encourage mindful tech use

  • Embrace the joy of missing out

JOMO Digital
Well-Being Challenge

Awareness-Building. Inspiration. Education.

Transform your students’ lives with our signature JOMO Digital Well-Being Challenge. The results speak for themselves: 73.8% of challenge students surveyed made a positive behaviour change.

+ Student Learning Portal
+ Staff Education Portal
+ Family Resource Hub
+ Challenge Teacher Guide
+ JOMO Journal
+ JOMO Campaign Assets
+ Educational email series
+ Certificate of completion

Combine this with:
+ Live Kick-Off Event
+ JOMO phone box installation

Communication + Campaigns

Campus-wide digital well-being campaigns designed to help draw students out of their devices and into more joy, meaning and connectedness.

The minimal and colourful JOMO brand drives the visual tone of our annual campaign, promoting our mission of building more joyful lives through intentional digital consumption.


  • Plug and play promotional plan

  • Large and small-scale posters

  • Video Display: short-form digital well-being awareness-building, educational, and inspirational videos

  • Social media resources


Ready to begin your journey towards a joy-filled, digitally-well campus?

There is an incredible opportunity to shape the habits, mindset, and quality of education for the next generation of students. By partnering with JOMO(campus), your organization can be on the leading-edge of a more productive and healthy use of technology.

10 Tips for a more Digitally-Well Campus This Fall

Are you wanting to get started on your campus right away? Download our 10 best recommendations for a more Digitally-Well Campus that you can implement at little to no cost.

As seen on

Get Started Today

We would be honoured to work together to bring Digital Wellness to your students, families, and faculty. Fill out this form to learn more about JOMO (campus).