Join us for a Digital Well-Being Learning Event at Virginia Tech

Laurie Fritsch, MSEd, CHES, CTTS, Assistant Director of Hokie Wellness, and digital well-being expert Christina Crook, founder of JOMO(campus), invite you to a FREE Campus Digital Well-Being Learning Event at Virginia Tech on February 9th.

College is meant to be a pivotal phase in life, not a time exclusively behind screens. The pull of technology can distract our students from focusing while learning, paying attention to a conversation, and experiencing all that college has to offer. 

In this half-day professional learning event, we will share the roadmap to applied digital well-being practices developed at Virginia Tech for students in academic, living, and learning spaces. 

We will explore helpful tools, resources, and assessment practices used to align student goals with device use and to foster belonging at your college, as well as invite you to join a Coalition for College Digital Well-Being. 

Date + Time: Friday, February 9, from 10 AM to 1 PM
Location: Virginia Tech campus, Blacksburg, VA

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Christina Crook

Seeker, speaker, author, founder at JOMO.

One year of evidence-based digital wellness programming


Joy, joy. What a year and what’s ahead.