Snapshot from a JOMO college or high school near you
School Spotlight
A big part of who we are is who we work with. We are proud to partner with these schools and school associations.
College digital well-being training with representatives from the University of Virginia, James Madison, University of Lynchburg, Virginia Tech and Wake Forest University.
Ursula Franklin Academy
Toronto District School Board
Grade 10 Digital Wellness Module, Parent and Teen Talk, and Unplugged Week
JOMO partnered with UFA teachers to create and deliver an integrated digital wellness module focused on student goal setting, parent and teen literacy, and action. Our in-class digital alignment exercises empowered grade 10 students to make online choices in support of their long-term ambitions.
Dr. Ursula Franklin, Ursula Franklin Academy’s namesake, valued pacifism, social justice activism, and the importance of looking critically at how we use technology. UFA’s five school values of social justice, democracy, connected knowledge, spirit of inquiry and a community of learners guide them in creating a community where students can integrate their learning, take risks, continue to develop confidence and resilience, and, in the words of Dr, Franklin herself, go on to live lives that are “personally happy and publicly useful.”
University of Lynchburg
4-Week Digital Well-being Challenge and Unplug Collab Event Series
JOMO worked directly with the Director of Wellness and Health Promotion to promote and execute the 4-week JOMO digital well-being challenge and support live unplugged events on campus. JOMO on-campus partners at Lynchburg include Housing and Residence Life, the Health Center, Spiritual Life, Student Activities, the Office of Community Engagement, Campus Recreation, the Student Government Association, and the Innovation Committee.
Founded in 1903, the University of Lynchburg is a nationally recognized private university in Virginia. The Princeton Review named it one of the best higher education institutions in the United States. Students can participate in over 40 clubs and organizations, including Greek life, student government, spiritual life, volunteer organizations, leadership programs, and publications.
University of St. Michael's College
University of Toronto
Discovery & Kick-Off: Outreach Events and Wellness Week Digital Declutter Workshop
JOMO partnered with St. Mike’s Director of Campus Ministry and Community Wellness Manager to assess the campus community needs, present to internal stakeholders and run digital wellness outreach events, including a lunch-and-learn digital declutter workshop for students.
Student giveaways included “Do more things that make you forget to check your phone” stickers and digital well-being takeaway cards.
Famously the teaching home of media theorist Marshall McLuhan, The University of St. Michael's College is a liberal arts and sciences college federated with the University of Toronto. It was founded in 1852 by the Congregation of St. Basil and retains its Catholic affiliation through its postgraduate theology faculty.
Vancouver Christian School
Society for Christian Schools British Columbia
2-Week Digital Well-being Challenge, JOMO student-led carnival, Parent, Staff and Student Education
JOMO has partnered with SCSBC to co-create a middle and high school digital well-being curriculum for its member schools as a model for Christian schools worldwide. Together, we are creating an upstream mental health resource for students, staff and parents in consultation with an SCSBC Digital Wellness Advisory Group, student interns and five British Columbia pilot schools.
The Society of Christian Schools in British Columbia is a collaboration of visionary leaders and educators who strive to provide educational excellence to children in BC through independent schools. SCSBC is a not-for-profit organization that works collegially with various non-member schools and affiliated organizations, nationally and internationally, engaging with the cutting edge of best educational thought and practices.